Hello, I'm Adrean 👋

Building digital

products, brands,

and experience


YelpCamp Project Imitation

This project was a capstone project.

CornerShop Application

A web application which displays the products of many different vendors. Full stack project which allows three tiers of users each with their own profile

Roacheline Motors Car Company

Roacheline is a small car sales and rental company based in Clarendon

Supreeth Prasad Website

A Resume/CV website for a chemistry Phd Student

AAliyah|Speaks Blog

Current Project adding the final touches to a custom blog

Custom URL Shortener

This project was built utilizing the bit.ly API. It shorten URL links to make them easy to send or tweet


Fantastic!! This looks great. Thank you so much for your prompt replies and quick turnaround. To be honest, I didn't expect you to finish so quickly - I assumed this kind of thing would take months.
Hiring Adrean was the best decision I've made. He is efficient and communicates effectively. The finished product was way better than I could have imagined. He brokedown technical information in a way I could understand and kept me up to date every step of the way.
Lovely! It has been a pleasure working with you. We really appreciated your constant communication and post development support. Our affilate company will reach out regarding future projects

About Me

Adrean Gentles in his natural habitat

Adrean Gentles has been in love with technology his entire life, Adrean joined the web developer community in high school after being introduced to programming, since being tasked with assisting the some schools with the management of their school websites he has never looked back.

After leaving the Manchester High School Adrean further developed his love for web development at the University of the West Indies . Even though he completed a Bsc in Computer Science (Hons.) majority of his coding skills are self-taught. With three years of experience he possesses a solid foundation in the three core technologies of the web HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as for backend development he currently utilize JavaScript as a primary server side language.

He is a coding purist who acknowledges and appreciates all languages and frameworks and is willing to use all technologies depending on the needs of the client.

Quote API



Posess three years experience in semantic HTML and ensuring HtML accessibilty feautures are used.


Posess three years experience with utilizing CSS. Professional experience with flexbox and the grid system.


Possess over three years experience with JavaScript. Understanding DOM Manipulation and ES6.


Professional at MongoDB choosen as its comands are in sync with JavaScript. I am comfortable with relational databases such as MS-SQL


Three years experience with NodeJs. Extensive usage with many packages and an understanding of how the frameworks that it features work.


Design pattern of choice MVC. However I see software development as a field where growth occurs naturally. After learning the foundation learning the new individual becomes pretty simple.

Other Skills

  • PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
  • Python
  • Python Flask
  • MySQL
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Utilizing APIs